Ascendi BLA
Autoestradas das Beiras Litoral e Alta, S.A.
The Beiras Litoral and Alta concession was awarded to Ascendi Beiras Litoral and Alta, Autoestradas das Beiras Litoral and Alta, SA, in April 2001, through an international public tender. The Concession integrates a large part of the A25 motorway, a road axis that crosses the country, a true artery of the Portuguese economy, where thousands of tons of goods drain from and to Portugal every day. The Concession includes design, construction, increase in the number of roads, financing and operation and maintenance, for a period of 30 years.
Object of the Concession
Planning, construction and increasing of the number of lanes, financing, maintenance and operation, under availability scheme, of the following motorway links:
- IP 5 Nó do IC2 – Viseu, 45,4 km
- IP5 Viseu – Mangualde, 30,9 km
- IP5 Mangualde – Guarda, 57,7 km
- IP5 Guarda – Vila Formoso, 33,9 km
- IP5 Albergaria (IP1) – Nó do IC2, 4,7 km