Concessionária de Autoestradas, S.A.
On December 30, 2000, the Concession Contract was signed between Norscut and the Portuguese State for the design, construction, financing and operation of the future A24, better known as SCUT Interior Norte. With a duration of 30 years, for an initial investment of 726 million Euros financed by own funds and a banking syndicate of 25 banks, this concession works under a virtual toll system.
Object of the Concession
Planning, construction, financing, maintenance and operation, of the following links:
- IP 3 Nó do IP 5-Castro Daire Sul, 19,4 km
- IP 3 Castro Daire Norte – Reconcos, 8,4 km
- IP 3 Régua-Vila Real, 21,7 km
- IP 3 Vila Real-Vila Pouca de Aguiar, 22,1 km
- IP 3 Vila Pouca de Aguiar-Chaves (fronteira), 46,6 km
- IP 3 Castro Daire Sul-Castro Daire Norte, 14,3 km
- IP 3 Reconcos-Régua, 24,0 km